
  • Art Classes at the SAARA Center

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sign up and pay for SAARA art classes!

SAARA Art Classes

Fill out Art Class Registration Form Here:

ABOUT THE CLASSES:   These art classes are designed for those who have been affected by addictions.  They evolved from the SAARA Center's Art of Recovery Shows starting in 2007, and the classes were added for a month every summer since 2009 at the SAARA Center and the Richmond Behavioral Health Authority to encourage creativity in recovery and to feed the art show. This year, because of popular demand, we have extended classes into the fall, winter and spring!

 WHAT TO EXPECT: The cost of the series includes materials and any 5 art classes during the 6-week period. You may work in any medium you prefer. You may work on paper or canvas, and you may use Acrylic paint, colored pencils, oil sticks or Dr. Martins Radiant Watercolors, or any other media you care to bring, or any combination thereof.  Actual lessons concern the use of the materials. Informal suggestions and tips will follow as you get into your work.  As you begin your creation you will receive feedback from your facilitator (me, Jennifer) and sometimes from your classmates.  The classes are relaxed and leisurely with no pressure, and you work at your own rate with your chosen media and recorded music for greater pleasure! Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable space for you to discover and explore your creativity.

WHEN & WHERE: This series of 5 classes runs on Wednesdays, during the 6-week period from January 15 thru February 19, 2014.  Classes last from 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, so you'll get out well before dark!  Classes are held at the SAARA Center, 306 Turner Road, Suite L, Richmond, VA 23225;  phone: 804-762-4445 .

 CONFIRMATION:       Once you pay for your classes and submit a registration form, I will send to you a confirmation, along with 5 class passes to attend any of the 6 week classes. You turn in one class pass for each class you attend.  The cost of the classes is $10/class plus a $10.00 materials fee, coming to a grand total of $60.00.

CONTACT:   If you have any questions, please call me, Jennifer,  at 804-308-2561, or email me at (put "classes" in the subject line).
   If for any reason you cannot pay by PayPal, and wish to mail a check to Jennifer Yane, 1205 Hillside Avenue, Richmond, VA 23229,  be sure to send it in time to receive your passes!

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